🛍️ Marketplace

Marketplace Version 2.4.7 Changelog


Get Notification after Asyncrounus Scan is Completed

In the previous version we released asynchronous scan, but unfortunately many do not know if the scan results will be recorded in the notification menu when the scan is complete. That's why we give badges and a little animation when there is a new notification.

Additional search by Product SKU

Some products sometimes have almost the same name so when you want to search by product name the results you get are more than one (not specific). In this version, we have provided additional search based on product SKU which is expected to make it easier to search for more specific products.

Sold in Channel - Variant information - Add a hyperlink to seller center

We added edit button in variant information. The function of this edit button is to direct to seller center of the product.

This is useful when you want to edit seller center information such as adding descriptions/images etc. but you need to remember to edit inventory only at dealPOS, not through the seller center

Minor Improvement

  • Sold in Channel - Filter channel by multiple selections

  • Asynchronous Scan Toaster - Change toaster icon, title & message

  • Add Big picture in Inventory and Price menu

  • Search and SHow Marketplace webhook in marketplace web order log

  • Notification - Change pagination for 20 record

Bug Fixes

  • Upload product to Shopee - Only upload 1 image

  • Cannot choose channel when scanning selected product

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