🌐 Web

WebApp Version 11.5.6 Changelog


New Feature:

  • Create New Printing Page for Payment Receipt

System Improvements:

  • Show Inventory On Hand, Allocated, Available, PickPack and Nett Available in Pick form when select the warehouse

  • Optimization for Sales Person Commission

  • Optimization for Offline Transaction

  • Remove Ship is also removing outbound logistic

  • Show Toaster Error if save MultiUOM Product without setting the parent

  • Change Toaster for Format Data Transaction

  • Change Fulfillment Select Option Styling

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix Restore voided invoice does not trigger debt limit error

  • Fix When Partial Payment later, it will trigger error for days overdue error

  • Fix if there is double fulfillment must be block to send the order again

  • Fix Number of Person when parked, it will back to 0

  • Fix Variant doubled when submit before category is assigned

  • Fix Deleting 1 Ship from multiple fulfillment record will delete all the fulfillment

  • Fix Edit Transfer Order when the status is Received only record outgoing transfer order

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