- DealPOS
WebApp Version 11.9.8 Changelog
System Improvements:
Add option to select serial when sending Serialized Product from Outbound Logistic
New Integration Payment Method using EDC/ECR
Product by outlet show UOM when export
New Filter at Inventory -> Product by Outlet
Quick add city when create new customer
Import Customer Country
New UI Supplier Bill Info when partial delivery
Export customer add column country
Purchase report detail show Requested QTY
Edit invoice with redeem point - disable edit loyalty in discount button
Implement sort in Inventory, Days Sales and Days To zero Column
Handling Filter by empty, Inbound logistics and incoming transfer
Shift-Record Limiting
Payment Write off - Add Filter Reason
BUG Fixes:
Multi Input Customer Will Multiply Discount from Customer Group
When export product UOM not exported
Cannot Edit Qty
Inventory to Zero - Last in stock - Change null to 0
Inventory To zero - Export with Last in Stock - Not following filter
Supplier Bill - COA tax must in credit if purchase return
Wrong implement discount amount when do return
Wrong tax calculated when export
Wrong calculation on debt limit
Sales Order Type Sorting button function is not working properly