- DealPOS
WebApp Version 12.1.7 Changelog
New Feature:
Add Logistic Services Option in Sell Menu
We add new information for Logistic Services in Sell menu for you to know what logistic services are you using to send the transaction, so it will make you easier to check the logistic status without opening all your logistic services web.
System Improvements:
Join Export UX in Report Menu
Monthly Sales Chart - Show Last 12 Months
Now showing 12 months before this month instead of showing 1 full year
[Report - Tax] add Service and Tax data into CSV
Create New Config to send Outbound Logistic for Non-Inventory Product only
Add New Column for Product Name in Awaiting Inventory
Daily Sales Performance change Duration to 90 Days MAX
Sales Compare by Outlet - Add Sortable Header in column Outlet and Revenue
Bug Fixes:
WEB-4118-Redeem promotion Coupon internal from Dealpos not working if config TADA apps active
WEB-4119 Bug - [Report - Purchase History] CSV doesnât show Cost
WEB-4094 Bug - Cannot edit Inbound Logistic & Outbound logistic when Receive/Send more than 1
Bug Fix Product By Outlet, override RowCount To ExportRowCount
WEB-4108-Bug - Customer has Account Receiveable when there is no unpaid transaction
WEB-4101-Bug - Monthly Sales Comparison - Difference Invalid
WEB-4095: Bug - [Product] Extra cost didnât show up on variant display
WEB-4092-Investigate Sell - Number Generator Config - Disable not working